Animal Welfare and Sustainability
The main purpose of Integrated Milking Systems manufactured by Candan Milking Systems is Sustainability and Animal welfare.
There is no doubt that a healthy and stress-free animal has a very high productivity. In general, the more animals are cared well, the more milk is obtained for a longer period. If the dairy producers reduce environmental impacts on farm conditions and use qualified and ergonomic milking systems, the life of the animals will prolong.
Animal welfare has become a factor that increases the productivity of the dairy producers and a decisive criterion that consumers look for when choosing animal products.
Consumer surplus is a measure of the economic welfare of consumers, while producer surplus is a measure of the economic welfare of producers. Social welfare consists of the sum of producer and consumer surplus.
Animal welfare is one of the food-borne factors affecting human welfare. Improving animal welfare also contributes positively to human health and welfare. Human welfare, which will be positively affected by the improvement of animal welfare, is an important part of social welfare and is an important element in its improvement. In addition, improved animal welfare is an important factor in the realization of sustainability goals, as it increases productivity by providing economic efficiency, and accelerates this process.
Stress exposure of farm animals reduces milk and meat quality, causes weight loss and affects fertility, resulting in negative effects on well-being.
Animal welfare is not only a matter of concern to livestock enterprises, but also has positive economic effects on the market and society in addition to the enterprises as the welfare improves. The most important economic effects of improved animal welfare in livestock enterprises are reducing animal mortality, improving animal health and reducing drug use by strengthening resistance to diseases.
The concept of sustainability is a multidimensional concept with economic, ecological and social aspects. A sustainable system must be environmentally friendly, economically viable and socially responsible.
Candan Milking Systems makes production at international standards required for sustainability and animal welfare, and supports the dairy producers of whom it is supplier.

- AddressYeni mh. Sanayi Sk. No : 1/2 Kiraz - IZMIR
- Phone0.232 572 2020
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